solved, working life, bugs [Solved] The Strangest Bug I've Ever Seen I've spent two hours to find it and two seconds for the fix. There was this gigantic piece of C code to create a report by putting together
solved, Linux, working life [Solved] Broken Packages In Ubuntu One of the worst things about working for a big company distributed world-wide is that you don't have a direct contact with the leaders of the IT department.
personal, solved, Firefox [Solved] Issues With Vimperator On Firefox If you: * are using Mozilla Firefox®, * have installed the addons Status-4-Evar and Vimperator, * are experiencing issues with the auto command LocationChange of the latter, this post is for you! If
Linux, solved, OpenGL, VirtualBox [Solved] OpenGL issue with Xubuntu 14.04 inside VirtualBox On my workplace, I use Xubuntu in a virtual machine (VirtualBox) in full-screen mode without any problem, at least until last week, when I've upgraded from Saucy Salamander
development, solved, D-Bus [Solved] D-Bus Method Call Stops Working After Few Days This is an issue that I've found some months ago. I've set up a communication system using asynchronous calls made with D-Bus [